Vampire Dreams Chapter 1

Onward to my next class, quickly approaching. Not paying attention one of the senors, put their leg in front of me, making me fall flat on my face and my papers went flying. I scrambled to get them all picked up and out of everyone’s way, when this dark angel came to my rescue.

He had chocolate colored hair and skin as white as the first snow of the season. And his smile, oh his smile, breathtaking. I melted as our hands touched, trying to pick up my notebook at the same time. I knew his kind, and I knew it well, he’s a vampire.

Thanks, I’m so clumsy.” I said, Pretty sure I was as red as anyone has ever turned.

Not at all, it wasn't your fault. May I walk you to your next class?” I didn’t even know his name.

I would love that.” I sounded like such a freak.

What's your name?” I asked, sounding out of breath.

With a flash of his smile, “I'm Dimitri”

What a lovely, beautiful, wonderful name.

What is your name?” He asked me. But compared to his name my name was worthless, and ugly.

I’m Layla,” When we get to my classroom and it seemed he had the same class, “you have this class too?”

Yea, I'm new, I just moved here from Transylvania.” He said with a wink. He knew I knew what he was.

Can he read minds? And would he go out with me? I remember thinking.

Yes, and yes.” He’s answers my thoughts…A date with a vampire? Too cool.

I’ve never felt so strongly about someone so quickly, I believe he may be the one, my soul mate. But that could be jumping the gun a little. Still, a vampire mate, for eternity, all I’ve ever wanted.

He sat behind me in class. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and made a fool out of myself when the professor called on me and I didn’t know the answer.

I remembered reading a funny joke online but it wasn’t funny now, “When he caught you looking at him, remember he was looking back” Did I dare look back? I don’t think I could have stopped myself.

I looked back and he was looking at me, with amazing eyes, those captivating, piercing, blue eyes. It’s was a good thing class ended then, because I couldn’t pry my eyes from his. They were locked.

Layla, do you have another class next?” He is a god on earth!

No I thought, he’s a vampire, he’s better.

My classes are over for the day, in fact their over for the week; I don’t have another until Monday.” I said.


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